To discover Kamut

To discover Kamut

“Kamut” is not the name of a grain, but the trademark (such as “White Mill” or “McDonald’s”) that kamut international ltd  (K.Int ) has placed on a variety of wheat registered in the United States under the acronym QK-77, cultivated and sold under monopoly and famous worldwide thanks to an unprecedented marketing operation. WATER

In Italy it is imported only from authorized companies and can only be ground from authorized mills. All products bearing the brand are prepared and sold under license from K.Int  and under the control of  Kamut Enterprises of Europe.. To discover Kamut poi WATER

What undergoes Kamut’s success is the decidedly effective marketing that has leveraged three aspects: the suggestive legend of its discovery, the attribution of exceptional nutritional qualities and an alleged compatibility for gluten intolerants. Let’s talk about it. poi WATER

Khorasan or Kamut? poi WATER

Khorasan – we call it by its name handed down, common and “public”, because Kamut is only a registered fancy name – is a species belonging to the same genetic group as durum wheat, and for this very reason it is neither gluten-free nor gluten-poor! And in addition to having a high protein content, generally higher than the average of hard and tender wheats, and good values of beta-carotene and selenium, for the other qualitative and nutritional components there are no substantial differences compared to other wheats. poi WATER

That said, it’s certainly a rustic wheat, with ample environmental adaptability, excellent for pasting. Like any wheat that has not been subjected to genetic improvement processes or too much selective pressure, and for this reason it seems to be more easily digestible by people suffering from mild allergies and intolerances, however not attributable to celiac disease: but this is precisely what can be said of the lighthouses and the “ancient” varieties of durum and soft wheat. If its cultivation is organic (as its rusticity allows and how, for its products, it ensures the specification of the Kamut brand), it can be said that it is certainly a healthy product, without however expiring in exaggerations or forcing encouraged by the fashion and marketing of healthism. poi WATER

Khorasan or Kamut part 2

There are still three aspects that cast a shadow over the Kamut brand product (but not on Khorasan!): poi

  1. the commercial monopoly imposed by Int. on a traditional wheat that, as such, should instead be the heritage of all, and more than anyone else of the communities that over time have preserved and handed it down; poi
  2. the excessive cost of the finished product (80 to 200% more than a pasta of common organic durum wheat), unjustifiable for the same quality and nutritional values. Due to the monopoly regime, transport costs, usage rights and propaganda costs, but also due to the effects of a market of excellence that turns food into a matter of luxury, gratification and distinction, and which speculates on the desire for reassurance and the need for health; poi
  3. the heavy ecological footprint linked to the movement of a product mostly cultivated on the other side of the world that arrives on our tables through a very long supply chain (thousands of kilometers), and that, for this reason alone, is not compatible with the philosophy of degrowth and with attention to local consumption, done if possible at “zero kilometer”. To discover Kamut. poi

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