Meat for slaughter house | the Industrial breeding. The industrial breeding method is also known as “above-ground” breeding. We are talking about ‘above-ground’ industrial farming when we have a livestock/agricultural system that is carried out completely independently of the geographical and climatic context in which it is located: it is an intensive system, mainly used for the production of meat and eggs. Meat for slaughterhouse – the Industrial breeding poi
Animals are grown in large, artificially lit and ventilated sheds and fed food imported from other places: these systems can be considered real production industries, indispensable to the current food system. poi
There is a total distortion of the lives of animals, which are induced to heavy stress and physical and emotional suffering. In these farms, for example, pigs have at their disposal a cage 60 cm wide and 2 meters long with a concrete bottom, which totally prevents them from behaving according to nature. Meat for slaughter house | the Industrial breeding poi
The high concentration of animals in one place requires farmers to use antibiotics systematically in order to prevent diseases from spreading among them: needless to say, these farms are also factories of pollution, livestock waste is a highly impactful component. poi
Meat for slaughterhouse – the Industrial breeding poi