An analysis of the context today dutifully leads us to reflections on the past and how we got to this point. consumer
So that nothing is lost, let’s analyze the topic in more detail: this will create controversial feelings and reactions, but also greater qualitative depth of the discussions and new perspectives of truly sustainable development. A bit of philosophy to reflect.
The inability to respond to existential problems
It took many years, but man finally realized that science and materialism cannot give answers to the great existential problems of man. Answering questions such as “what is man?”, “what does man do?”, “what is the purpose of his life?”, are not easily solvable matters, it is in no case within the reach of conceptions imbued with materialism. One above all is biodiversity and how man is unable to adapt to fast climate change.
The product becomes more important than the man who produces it
As multinationals invest heavily in unusual advertising, consumption and products have become more important than people and their creative functions. We are told that the value of manual, artistic, agricultural and manual work is less than the work done at the desk. They have created large industries where people no longer matter. Everything has been mechanized and there is no more work.
Energy and non-renewable resources are running out and prices are rising, resulting in a high inflation index.
Pollution and contamination
To grab resources at all costs, large corporations and multinationals have acted without considering the collateral damage resulting from their actions, perhaps deeming them acceptable in the name of progress. They have made the air unbreathable, contaminated and exploited to the improbable seas and rivers. In our planet are disappearing not only forests, but also many species of animals, biodiversity. Our educational system has aligned itself with the culture of material things and we have taught children that what matters most is the product and not man, the game to demonstrate their supremacy, the commodity and not nature, produce in quantity and not quality at the expense of creativity.
Guard and not dominate, help and not exploit, maintain and not destroy the food chain
After 500 years of confusion and disinterest, everything is finally being reconsidered.
The concept “domination” has been used by man to justify the manipulations and relentless impoverishment of nature.
However, a substantial necessity is now taking shape and transforming the term “domination” into hegemony with nature. Men and women must therefore act as guardians of the earth, preserving and protecting all the creatures that live there.
Protecting and respecting the biosphere is preserving biodiversity.
Already millions of people around the world have voluntarily changed their lifestyle, moderating consumption in all sectors. These people want to rediscover the true values of man and feed themselves with fresh and genuine products, preferably obtained with the organic farming system, where the use of poisonous fertilizers is avoided.
The concrete return to a genuine life, to a human dimension
Many have been born and will return to live an agricultural life, new companies that thanks to new technologies and management platforms, are able to supply their products directly to consumers, thus shortening supply chains, reducing costs and transport. All for the benefit of new consumers who can buy natural and quality food at the right price.
You will work more and more at home avoiding wasting time and energy on daily transfers to the workplace. A positive side of Covid is having accelerated these processes, it is the man who must now adapt quickly to changes. consumer
The cities of the future with services within 15 minutes
On the basis of these premises, it is deduced that cities will not disappear but will resize thanks to bio-architecture, the use of bio-compatible materials, and urban transport. More green spaces, more trees, more public transport, more proximity services.
A city 15 minutes away, where within these times the inhabitants will find or will have access to services or shops.
It is also clear that it will take a little more effort on the part of everyone and know how to give up and change our habits.
This change will have as its repercussions the psychophysical well-being of the population no longer stressed by traffic and the frenetic rhythms that the current system reserves for us.
In short, we must set aside consumerist thinking to move to the durable and sustainable one. We call it “thought” because it determines and precedes the whole (from those who produce, transform and consume)
It is time for change and we all have to participate actively!
We have passed the industrial era as well as the consumerist era and the results are there for all to see.
A return to the past as a lifestyle and consumption without sacrificing technology.
Thank you for your attention
Claude Bontorin
President of PIÚINFORMA Association