Healthy nutrition; the current one is 98% junk food, sustainable food is the recipe.
Never like now is important to know the companies that revolve around agri-food and on what basis they transform foods.
Simple, food must be cheap, the least possible, this is the watchword within the food industry.
“We are what we eat”
As the philosopher Feuerbach put it, “food influences not only the physical but also the conscience and the way of thinking.”
It is natural that within any market the product that costs less is preferred, but this should be for the same quality, thus generating real convenience and not just reduced prices for lower quality.
Food and life, no more junk food!
Price and quality
However, for food this is not the case: what matters is only the price, the product must be available everywhere and all year round.
This is the result of the transformation of food into a consumer good tout court, stripped therefore of all its cultural and traditional values.
The system built around, replaced the quality value with the price.
Paradoxically, what appears is that no more food is produced to eat it, but to sell it.
In the global agro-industrial system, food has thus become a commodity like all the others.
Nutrition and life
Subjecting food to the same laws also reduces biodiversity and favors monocultures, which are harmful to the environment but also cause great iniquity. Coronavirus
Agriculture and industrial food catering through distribution on five continents have made food one of the most unsustainable sectors of all human activities.
Food and life, no more junk food!
In the last hundred years there has been a very serious reduction in biodiversity, with large quantities of cheap food and little variety suitable only for this production model.
A serious danger to the earth
Wherever the industrialization of food has triumphed, there has been the triumph of flattening and homologation, a serious danger to one of the foundations of life on earth: biological diversity and the ability of species to adapt. In a single century we have allowed what had developed over the millennia to disappear in many parts of the world.
Companies Collective Catering.
What is more, in recent years the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has increased exponentially: in ten years it has been fed into the soil and into the natural cycle the same amount that had been used in the entire previous century.
The evidence can no longer be denied. Food and life, no more junk food!
Agriculture, which should be based on an alliance between man and nature, has instead become a war on Earth.
Until now, environmental devastation has never been calculated in food economies.
This system makes us pay a heavy price, hidden in ecological terms and on our health.
A total disengagement from future generations.
The low price of food, therefore, not only impoverishes its value, but hides within itself everything we are doing to the Earth. Nutrition and life.
I believe that we are now paying the bill, the world is on its knees for a Covid-19 virus and it is the weakest who succumb. Maybe we’re without different immunes?
I remember my grandfather who died at 90 and only took a medicine! we have to reflect and change style, all of us!
We have a recipe to solve this disaster at its root,