Waiting global network of water museums

Waiting global network of water museums

Waiting global network of water museums. After the great success obtained in 2017 during the first MAB Youth Forum organized and promoted by UNESCO, 2018 starts with another big challenge for PIÚINFORMA Association. poi

Indeed, the Association has been chosen as official partner by the Global Network of Water Museums, a world-wide no-profit association that aims to create a new awareness on water consumption for a more sustainable future. poi

This Global Network engages more than 5 millions visitors per year and it includes more than 60 members from all over the world, with international partners such as UNESCO and the International Centre “Civiltà dell’Acqua”. poi

The PIUINFORMA’s partecipation

All these international institutions asked intensely for PIÚINFORMA ’s participation in this project, knowing the constant engagement of its team for the development and application of good practices intended to reduce plastic consumption in favor of an healthy, good and “0 km” water and alternative solutions to PET. poi

Today’s water resources are increasingly threatened by waste, quantity and quality degradation, not only due to an excessive technological and industrial progress but also to a weak civil awareness on the availability and importance of this fundamental source of life. poi

It is just for this specific reason that the Global Network of Water Museums operates in all over the world, to facilitate a change of attitude and relationship between men and water for a better future. Waiting global network of water museums poi

The fact that – among many Italian entities – the Global Network chose PIÚINFORMA Association to play a central role in this project of such importance, it’s source of profound pride and gratitude for us, and it represents an irrefutable proof of the goodness of PIUINFORMA’ s past and present activities. From 12 to 15 June 2018  we will be at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris to take officially part to the project, that we are going to carry on with best effort for the forthcoming years. poi



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