On Monday (March 11th) at “Stefanini” school of Treviso, we participated at the seminar “EduFootprint: experiences to share for a sustainable school”, where all participants talked about fundamental subject matters, such as: mobility and sustainable nutrition. Measure your Environmental footprint – Istituto “Stefanini” di Treviso (TV)
Our PIÚINFORMA Association participated at another event focused on circular economy, sustainable nutrition and environmental footprint. Namely, subject matters that we deal with every day and that are the basis of our Association.
Moreover, we had the opportunity to underline the activities that we do, what are the good practices that each one of us (especially schools and companies) should follow, and our sustainable proposals.
At the seminar there were also other partners, and their speeches were focused on matters related to sustainable mobility and waste reduction.
In addition, Rete Iside presented the CO2 Calculator used in order to calculate the environmental footprint. The calculator’s task is to measure the consumption of resources and school’s activities and transforms them into the environmental impact given by the supply of energetic resources and by the absorption of waste. poi
The CO2 footprint
It is important, if not fundamental, to understand what’s the best path to limit our CO2 footprint, and as a consequence, to change our everyday choices in order to guarantee an evergreen future to our children. poi
Furthermore, we can’t not underline the fact that the 5 categories that were taken into consideration from the Calculator, we can also find the “away from home consumptions”, and among these there’s the Automatic Distribution and food service as well. poi
As consumers we rarely think that Automatic Distribution and food services can contribute to CO2 emissions; actually, these two have an important impact as well. poi
Therefore, in order to start limiting, with the aim of drastically reduce these emissions, we have to try, even when it comes to “away from home consumptions”, to insert a coin in the sustainability and awareness “drawer”. As an Association, being aware of all of this, with our “Sustainable distribution and food service” we give consumers the solution to do the right choice. poi
For this reason, these events are fundamental for our mission and a way to increase environmental and nutritional awareness, not only among young people but also among adults and educational institutions that, first and foremost, have to be a source of information and education. poi
Measure your Environmental footprint – Istituto “Stefanini” di Treviso (TV) poi
Information is the key. poi