First edition of “Nordic Walking Experience” | Monfenera Pederobba. A night walk of the “Nordic Walking Experience” discover the charm of Pederobba seen from Monfenera. The first edition of Nordic Walking Experience saw on the night of Saturday 21 May a full moon called Blue Moon, a unique experience that is repeated only every two or three years.
Nordic Walking is a new method of practicing sports for everyone and throughout the year, fun and outdoors, to enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle.
Many friends who shared this beautiful initiative accompanied by Mauro Silvestri, Vice President of the White Eagles Association,and the Nordic Walking instructors.
Nordic Walking, the walking with sticks, from Finland, where she was born, has now spread all over the world. But what does Nordic Walking mean in practice? And what’s the difference between a hiking stick and a Nordic one? Can the Nordic technique be applied to hiking? With what benefits? The course aims to present the correct technique of Nordic Walking, with particular attention to posture and walking technique, and to extend the concept to hiking routes with insights on the use of push poles as well as support in trekking.
The course is held by instructor of 2nd level of Nordic and Final king enrolled in the national register of technicians of the National System of Qualifications of Sports Operators and Modern Nordic Walking Trainer of the World Modern Nordic Walking Academy.
PIÚINFORMA Association enthusiastically participated in the event to underline the importance of physical activity related to a healthy and balanced diet.
First edition of “Nordic Walking Experience” | Monfenera, Pederobba