Biogreen gala 2015 | Asolo Golf Club

Biogreen gala 2015 | Asolo Golf Club

Another sporting event sponsored by Associazione PIÚINFORMA: the Biogreen Gala was held at the Asolo Golf Club on Saturday, September 26th. Biogreen gala 2015 | Asolo Golf Club

A day of nature and eco-sustainability. Not only races on the green, but also tasting of organic foods and drinks, natural facials and body treatments and to finish an all-ORGANIC dinner curated by Basil 13, the Biosteria of Treviso.

A well-designed and subsequently properly maintained golf course is a positive resource for the environment and the community. poi

Adequate construction and maintenance, combined with a responsible approach to resource management, contribute to the creation of a natural environment, in harmony with the characteristics of the surrounding landscape. poi poi

Protect the biospheres

It is evident, for example, the positive role of golf courses located in environments strongly urbanized or banalysed by human management (as in our Po Valley), where they constitute real “green lungs” (being entirely vegetated areas of (average extension equal to about 60 hectares), characterized by the presence of artificial woods and lakes, the latter indispensable for the collection of rainwater. Associazione PIÚINFORMA They become precious weaves of biodiversity, in landscapes made monotonous by man such as those of intensive agriculture, often conseading a rare and unfortunately sometimes unique habitat and refuge for wildlife. poi 

Being closed and protected areas, during hunting periods they also become real refuges for local fauna. po

The almost constant presence of lakes (artificial of origin, but largely naturalized by vegetation) is an important element exploited by migratory fauna for temporary stops, because there are no other substitutes in many areas (for example, the almost total disappearance of wetlands in the Po Valley). poi poi

Even in adjacent areas, parks and protected areas represent a non-intensive economic activity, an ideal protective ‘buffer zone’ that lies between a protected natural area and the adjacent artificial and cultivated territory, an ecological corridor or primary node. poi

Associazione PIÚINFORMA network. 

From Associazione PIÚINFORMA an environmental point of view, they often offer a ‘green’ solution for the territoria. poi

The economic aspects must also be taken into account: golf courses are an indisputable economic resource in themselves, for the local community and neighboring structures, both direct (working relationships with external companies and companies) and induced (tourism). poi

Associazione PIÚINFORMA much scientific research has shown that golf courses, if properly managed, perform multiple, important and sometimes even crucial functions and can become a valid tool for the protection and naturalistic management of the territory in anthropized contexts. poi

When the construction of a new golf course is identified as a pretext for obtaining building permits, any negative aspects must therefore be identified not in the construction of the golf course, but rather in the related real estate operation. poi

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