Why use recycled cardboard

Why the rici cardboardand side

Why use recycled cardboard. Using recycled cardboard is linked to the term sustainability that has been in common use for some time and is also used in different contexts.

It was first used in 1992, during the first UN Conference on the Environment. The definition of sustainability that has been given is this:

Condition of a development model able to ensure the satisfaction of the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to realize their own.

Starting from this first definition, which focuses mainly on ecology, the term has undergone a gradual evolution and today it is used with abroader meaning that embraces the environment and that connects it with the economy  and society.

We have begun to talk about greenhouse gases, the greenhouse effect and the ozone hole as a result of the intensive exploitation of natural resources and to study development models that rethink the relationship between man and the environment.

Why use recycled cardboard

This is the deepest meaning of sustainability: building a global  balance between man and the ecosystem, giving life to a form of development that safeguards the environment and  guarantees current and futureneeds.


Sustainability and sustainable development are linked to a new idea of well-being  that takes into account  people’s quality of life and revolves around three components:

  • Environmental sustainability: responsibility for the use of resources;
  • Economic sustainability: ability to generate income and work;
  • Social sustainability: safety, health, justice and wealth.

The objective of sustainable development is to maintain a constant balance between the environment, the economy and society, in order to meet everyone’s needs and ensure better living conditions for people.

Models of sustainable development are inspired by respect for nature and people:

they limit the environmental impact, responsibly use the earth’s resources and break down barriers between all the individuals who populate the planet. Use recycled cardboard


The Green Economy is a model of sustainable growth and this is the definition given by the United Nations:

The Green Economy is an economy that produces human well-being and social equity, while reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcity. In its simplest expression, a green economy can be thought of as a low-carbon economy, resource-efficient and socially inclusive.

It is not an abstract ideal, but a model of development to which everyone can contribute from the realization that all our actions have an impact on the environment.

We can all reduce our impact on the environment by improving the quality of our actions. We can do separate collection, reduce the use of plastic, avoid food and energy waste, limit the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Sustainability as an essential value!

It is precisely from this philosophy of life that the choice of “ecological material par excellence, but also innovative and technological”: recycled alveolar cardboard, a choice that has as its sole purpose theprotection of the environment trying to further reduce the environmental impact. To be even more eco-sustainable, the furnishing accessories are built dry, i.e. assembled interlocking, without the use of glues. Furniture and objects are born, but also exhibition elements to be used to decorate and complete showcases and shops, as well as sets for the preparation of exhibition areas.

The cardboard furniture is in fact made by means of an on-sight interlocking technique, which makes the individual details visible and avoids the use of harmful adhesives. In addition,transport is facilitated because they travel disassembled in shapes to be assembled, thus requiring minimum packing volumes while also reducing costs.

Types of cardboard

To make cardboard furniture and furniture, some types of high-strength cardboard are used:

  • corrugated cardboard,sound-absorbing material made by gluing 2 to 7 layers of cardboard together.
  • the alveolar cardboard,with high pressure resistance and although of strong thickness with incredible lightness.
  • spiral cardboard tubes, equippedwith fire resistance, made with a high percentage ofrecycled fiber.

honeycomb sandwich panels, made of 100% recycled paper fiber, consisting of a honeycomb structure closed between two sheets by means of organic glue. They have both mechanical and thermal resistance values and are regulated by UNI EN ISO 187.

UNI EN 13428, 13430 and 13431 standards on the minimization of resource use in the design phase and on the recovery/recycling of the packaging themselves must be complied with. Use recycled cardboard

The raw materials used for subsequent processing must comply with the requirements of Legislative Decree 152 of 3 April 2006 and subsequent amendments and additions, which implement Directive 1994/62/EC and s.m.i. especially:

  • The content of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury and chromium) in this product should be

less than 100 ppm;

  • The product must be 100% recyclable. Plastic Free ahead all ahead!

Studio architect Giannuzzi Pierpaolo


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