The social and environmental campaign signed by PIÚINFORMA®

The social and environmental campaign signed by PIÚINFORMA®


We have decided to talk about food as it is a topic that involves everyone.

It has been defined campaign because it will last for a long time since that we have many topics to deal with: earth has a limited life and in 12 years it won’t have resources for 50% of the population.

PIÚINFORMA Association promotes and manages this campaign. The campaign starts with vending machines and collective catering with precise guide lines that allow companies and institutions to “recycle” these services in the main interest of the people and of the environment. The social and environmental campaign signed by PIÚINFORMA®

To do circular economy is to carry out healthy life styles! Is to reduce the production and the use of plastic! Is to think about the future of our children! Being sustainable today is not a choice but a duty.

Some numbers (referring to Italy)

Vending machines: 25 million consumptions are done using vending machines. No one before has ever worried about how much post-consumer waste there is and it is not managed, besides the huge amount of plastic that we can find in the packaging of snacks & food, several beverages, cups and other products. The social and environmental campaign signed by PIÚINFORMA®

There are more than 7 billion of plastic cups and more than 650 million of PET bottles… a huge amount of CO2 emissions that we can remove thanks to our behavior! Imagine to wholly replace the plastic used; we could save about 60 million tons of CO2.

Collective catering: at the end of 2018 the numbers of this market revealed that this sector is worth 6,5 billion of euros with 850 million of meals every year. Almost half of these meals can be found in school catering where there’s no possibility to choose what to eat and, even worse, the menus don’t suit the students’ needs.

Thinking about this huge amount of food it is estimated that 30/35% of the food served is trashed and not reused in other meals. Think about how much food waste there is when there are more than 1,5 billion of malnourished people in the world.

Also think about the dishes, trays and cutleries that, when they are washed, are used 1,275 billion liters of water and 255 million kWh of energy.

If we imagine to save 30% of food waste and to reduce the water and energy bill we could save millions of CO2.

How? Join our campaign like many companies and institutions have already done. Our staff will work for you and with you completely FREE OF CHARGE.  

The RESULTS obtained are:  

  • Significant reduction of the use of plastic
  • The complete removal of plastic cups and coffee stirrers
  • The complete removal of plastic accessories and cutleries
  • Increased the use of supply chain water instead of PET bottles
  • Increased possibility of finding “healthy” products
  • To increasingly differentiate and reduce post-consumer waste and monitor its management.
  • To support schools in the fulfillment of laboratories and practical activities regarding circular economy.
  • The use of the CO2 calculator managed by a school that is our partner.


“Every system made of more elements can express itself at its best when these systems work correctly and are interconnected between them. In this case, the automatic distribution of food products, represents an educational system aimed at creating in people the capacity to make important choices in order to develop and strengthen healthy habits”.



PIÚINFORMA management office


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