The Ministry of the Environment works on the C.A.M. for Vending

The Ministry of the Environment works on the C.A.M. for Vending

The Ministry of the Environment works on the C.A.M. for Vending and, PIÚINFORMA Association has the honor of sitting at the working table together with other ministries, bodies and associations to make its contribution to the drafting of minimum environmental criteria for future public tenders related to Vending services.

There are many controversies, but why?

we believe that the answer lies in the current distribution system that wants to maintain a lobby between producers and service operators who clearly have NO intention of modifying or remodulating their offers. The Ministry of the Environment is working on the C.A.M. for Vending

In some respects it is understandable, the market is governed by large producers who invest large amounts in advertising by inducing consumers to produce them. A clarification must be made: when we talk about sustainable, we talk about reducing the environmental footprint, short-chain foods and with a structure ingredients  functional to people’s health. Clearly also packaging and differentiation of waste.

And so far nothing bad if it were not that what is advised too often of sustainable has nothing. The damage that processed, modified and manipulated foods as if they were things is, as a recent NASA study, catastrophic.

Ministry of the Environment works on the C.A.M. for Vending

The aggravating factor is that despite all the recommendations, indications of the UN, of the legend 2030…..nothing changes.

It was time to think about imposing change!

In future refreshment areas we expect 100% organic or similar   products, free mains water dispensers,  PET bottle recycling,  #risorse&waste, cardboard  furnishings, energy-efficient vending   machines,    new refrigerant gases,  zero sugar hot and cold drinks,  no sugar and added  refined salt.

Combined with projects, programs and control systems with monitoring their effectiveness, it will be the guarantee for consumers, institutions and companies.

We share the ministry’s line and our Association knows how to provide its support because convinced they need clear rules and controls throughout the duration of contracts.

More than 87 projects, often “dormant”, on the Italian vending market. This operation will awaken them and will not be a problem for operators, just a choice.

They will seize this opportunity!

Ministry of the Environment

We will know by the end of 2021

One of the partners



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