Una grande community per persone sostenibili e responsabili.

Blog sulla sostenibilità della filiera dell'agroalimentare

Il nostro magazine, dedicato alla sostenibilità alimentare, offre informazioni utili per aiutare le persone a compiere scelte consapevoli, ridurre il proprio impatto sociale e ambientale e contribuire attivamente al cambiamento. Un’azione necessaria per responsabilizzare l’industria alimentare sul ruolo primario ed incidenza che i loro prodotti hanno sulla salute dei propri clienti.

Drought emergency in Southern Europe

Drought emergency in Southern Europe

The Italian Council of Ministers has decreed a state of water emergency in six Italian regions and in the Apennine District (a famous Italian mountain chain); four other regions are considering requesting it. According to

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plastica monouso inquinamento

President’s press release #3

It is these days that there is information about an appeal to the TAR against the Province of Trento which has chosen to implement a policy of reducing the environmental footprint by applying it also

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Waiting global network of water museums

Waiting global network of water museums

Waiting global network of water museums. After the great success obtained in 2017 during the first MAB Youth Forum organized and promoted by UNESCO, 2018 starts with another big challenge for PIÚINFORMA Association. poi Indeed, the Association has been chosen

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