Una grande community per persone sostenibili e responsabili.

Blog sulla sostenibilità della filiera dell'agroalimentare

Il nostro magazine, dedicato alla sostenibilità alimentare, offre informazioni utili per aiutare le persone a compiere scelte consapevoli, ridurre il proprio impatto sociale e ambientale e contribuire attivamente al cambiamento. Un’azione necessaria per responsabilizzare l’industria alimentare sul ruolo primario ed incidenza che i loro prodotti hanno sulla salute dei propri clienti.

C.A.M. servizi ristoro insostenibilità

Fusion or fission? The nuclear power that doesn’t hurt

Physically speaking, nuclear fusion  is that physical phenomenon that also occurs in stars, for which, after a certain temperature, two individual atoms fuse together, overcoming their repulsion forces, and create new internal bonds, thus generating a new element and at the same time high amounts of energy.

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Sugar free campaign has begun

The sugar free campaign has begun

The sugar free campaign has begun. Formal declaration of war on sugar announced. PIÚINFORMA Association  is actively committed to supporting all companies that are in the process of changing their recipes with zero sugar objective. “It

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Appetite comes by watching

“Appetite comes by watching”

Appetite comes by watching How does color affect our food choices? In visual perception, on our emotions and behaviors, each color triggers a reaction and… our appetite! Not only the palate and the nose interact

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About live ferments in yoghurt

About live ferments in yogurt

How much fundamental are live ferments in yogurt? Live lactic ferments in yogurt which, as such, must have a minimum quantity of live lactic ferments inside, the regulation says. About live ferments in yogurt. The

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The Acid-base balance in nutrition

The Acid-base balance in nutrition

Some science and misconceptions on acidic and alkaline foods In biology, acid-base equilibrium indicates the set of physiological processes that the organism implements to maintain a level of acidity compatible with the performance of the

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Food sustainability in schools

Food sustainability in the schools

How we think to transform the administration of food and beverage: scientific guidelines. With proper documental supporting on public administrations aimed at improving and strengthening the perception of the concept of health and environmental sustainability

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Ionized and alkaline water

Ionized and alkaline water

“Do good to you and the environment” Alkaline ionized water is a valuable health aid because its constant use can lower the acidity of the organism. Ionized alkaline water is produced by a system called

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Get your food back

Take back your food

Reflections of our technologist  Francesco, to make you reflect on the importance of food. For a long time now, we have lost our food, our true nourishment, what does us good or at least that

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