Climate change and inefficient water management are the cause of drought
The research promoted and managed by our Observatory on food, health and the environment continue. Today we deal with water, climate change and drought.
Il nostro magazine, dedicato alla sostenibilità alimentare, offre informazioni utili per aiutare le persone a compiere scelte consapevoli, ridurre il proprio impatto sociale e ambientale e contribuire attivamente al cambiamento. Un’azione necessaria per responsabilizzare l’industria alimentare sul ruolo primario ed incidenza che i loro prodotti hanno sulla salute dei propri clienti.
The research promoted and managed by our Observatory on food, health and the environment continue. Today we deal with water, climate change and drought.
Food and beverage vending machines in Universities. How to improve the quality of food in Italian Universities? It is a question that many working tables have tried to answer, with little success.
A black cloud has fallen on the Environmental Minimum Criteria for catering services already being approved. The so-called “C.A.M.”, criteria aimed at establishing a minimum requirement of consistency with respect to environmental issues in the
It is with great pleasure that we inform our members that the environmental footprint calculation program in schools managed by the company BONTORIN&CO has been approved by the evaluation commission Directorate General for Student, Inclusion
What is the coal limit of 1.5° centigrade? Warming The world has already warmed by 1C since pre-industrial times, due to human activity. On current trends, it is likely to pass the 1.5C mark between
On May 17, 2022, the Regional Court of Administrative Justice of Trento ruled on the appeal against the province of Trento which, in a resolution of December 3, 2021 had chosen to implement a policy
ASSOCIAZIONE PIÙINFORMA and RiGenerazione Scuola (School Regeneration), finally here we are! During the day of yesterday, April 13, 2022, the national convocation of the School Regeneration plan of the Ministry of Education took place. In
Food education: inquiring for the sake of the environment and health. Have you ever wondered why food education is not part of the educational offer of schools? It seems curious that such important issues are
ASSOCIAZIONE PIÙINFORMA becomes part of the Green Community of the RiGenerazione Scuola Plan of the Ministry of Education. Another important step forward to be proud of. “ RiGenerazione Scuola“ is a Plan for the ecological
An analysis of the context today dutifully leads us to reflections on the past and how we got to this point. consumer So that nothing is lost, let’s analyze the topic in more detail: this
Food waste: birth and growth of a problem not to be underestimated. In the last 70 years, the food market has undergone exponential growth, we find food in large quantities everywhere: in supermarkets, bars, vending
Environment and climate change are now terms that we hear about on a daily basis. Television, conferences, advertising, every day remind us how serious these problems are. And how alarming the consequences would be if we did not act in a “sustainable” way
We hear about pollution, climate change and environmental impacts every day, but perhaps not many are aware of how much the food sector is responsible for these issues. The negative impacts of Food sector on the
Overshoot Day is the day of the year when humans have exhausted all the biological resources that our planet is able to offer us and regenerate in that year. From that day on, throughout the
Physically speaking, nuclear fusion is that physical phenomenon that also occurs in stars, for which, after a certain temperature, two individual atoms fuse together, overcoming their repulsion forces, and create new internal bonds, thus generating a new element and at the same time high amounts of energy.
.The European Parliament had launched an action plan towards the circular economy for a more sustainable world as early as 27 January 2020. Finally, the European Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer
The sugar free campaign has begun. Formal declaration of war on sugar announced. PIÚINFORMA Association is actively committed to supporting all companies that are in the process of changing their recipes with zero sugar objective. “It
Appetite comes by watching How does color affect our food choices? In visual perception, on our emotions and behaviors, each color triggers a reaction and… our appetite! Not only the palate and the nose interact
A premise is a must: PIÚINFORMA Association is private and is financed with quotas by the individual members who are part of the work team and contribute to the reading and processing of data. O.A.P
Can we trust the meat we eat? Is the meat we eat trustworthy? That’s a big question, and more important than before after the events of the Mad Cow disease of the 80s and the
Healthy nutrition; the current one is 98% junk food, sustainable food is the recipe. Never like now is important to know the companies that revolve around agri-food and on what basis they transform foods. Simple,
How much fundamental are live ferments in yogurt? Live lactic ferments in yogurt which, as such, must have a minimum quantity of live lactic ferments inside, the regulation says. About live ferments in yogurt. The
IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET RID OF PLASTIC AND WE MUST DO IT It is possible to get rid of plastic and we must do it. Environmental Science and Technology magazine estimated that every year
Some science and misconceptions on acidic and alkaline foods In biology, acid-base equilibrium indicates the set of physiological processes that the organism implements to maintain a level of acidity compatible with the performance of the
How we think to transform the administration of food and beverage: scientific guidelines. With proper documental supporting on public administrations aimed at improving and strengthening the perception of the concept of health and environmental sustainability
“Do good to you and the environment” Alkaline ionized water is a valuable health aid because its constant use can lower the acidity of the organism. Ionized alkaline water is produced by a system called
On June 7th we will be guests at this event, we will talk about sustainability in a very interesting and involved way. The Association is always at the forefront of promoting sustainable lifestyles and messages.
The Ministry of the Environment works on the C.A.M. for Vending and, PIÚINFORMA Association has the honor of sitting at the working table together with other ministries, bodies and associations to make its contribution to
A little philosophy on why it is necessary to become sustainable, Impressions of a graduate in philosophy of law. Is sustainability a ‘legal obligation’, a passing trend, or is it something more radical that needs
Reflections of our technologist Francesco, to make you reflect on the importance of food. For a long time now, we have lost our food, our true nourishment, what does us good or at least that