It is these days that there is information about an appeal to the TAR against the Province of Trento which has chosen to implement a policy of reducing the environmental footprint by applying it also to automatic distribution. single-use plastic pollution press release
With this communiqué we give full support to the Province that is spending itself for the well-being of its citizens; an example to imitate! plastic
For correct information, the signatories of the appeal are the same who profess to be sustainable and are also seated at the working table at the MITE where the CAM for future calls are being defined. disposable
Since we too have the honor and prestige of being there, I find it rather bizarre that they shared the commitments towards the reduction of CO2eq emissions and then opposed the initiative of the Province. pollution
The same that has sought over the years a support and dialogue with the operators operating in the Trentino area, with the hope that a healthy collaboration would have brought positive results for all. announcement
In my humble opinion the real contradiction is this: to say and not to do or prevent (what is even worse) those who really want and have the spirit of change.
It should also be noted that the indications of the plan of the Ministry of Education Re-Generation school goes Towards zero emissions and waste
- All Schools must become #PlasticFree or #MonoUsoStop
- WEEE collection in schools
- Recycling of canteen waste
It is clear that the term will have to clearly define what must be done!! press release
A little light on the problem raised that I hope will enlighten these gentlemen:
- The cup has been used for years (the sensor specially affixed to the sampling compartment has existed for a long time)
- It is considered, according to a recent impact study on an LCA basis, carried out by a working group within our observatory, the solution to consumption with the lowest environmental footprint
- The cup is owned by the person and therefore no responsibility goes to the manager or company where you rent the vending machines.
- Always the cup is assimilated to the water bottle, where the same rules apply
- The consumer’s discretion whether to choose the disposable cup or cup renders the present action totally devoid of content.
But the question that must be asked is why oppose the evidence?
Is it because they don’t know exactly what sustainability means? press release
Is it because it is important to maintain the status quo?
Since they are so attentive to the health of their users, why are the Province (in this case), MITE and other organizations outlining new and more detailed guidelines?
I believe we need an assumption of responsibility of those who are hindering these works
As the plan B is reappearing, which foresees what has already happened in France.
In 2004 the result of the same ostentations! plastic environment health press release
Now you will know who to hold to account if that happens. plastic pollution
Our Association has been a promoter within the CAM group at the MITE of the abolition of the economic contribution, without imposing the sale prices (which often happens).
I do not know how it will end up at the TAR but certainly it remains a trace that is not positive in my opinion for the sector, a hand is extended but you want to take the arm!
You can contact me directly on the email, for more information and details. press release
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The President
Claude Jean Bontorin