Nothing destroys, everything is transformed

Nothing destroys, everything transforms

It is with great pleasure that we inform you that on Thursday 7 March, at the Bellavitis middle school in Bassano del Grappa (VI), the first of a series of meetings organized by Michela Mantoan was held in which we have the honour of actively participating. Nothing destroys, everything transforms poi

As a PIÚINFORMA Association, thanks to the support of our partners, we were able to organize and set up a break area where teachers, parents and pupils were able to experience our sustainable proposals firsthand. In pencil tip nothing is destroyed, and everything is transformed. poi

Our continuous commitment and the fact that we are increasingly involved in these projects and meetings, makes our Association play an increasingly important role within this area and, undoubtedly, we are proud of all this. poi

In pencil tip nothing is destroyed, and everything is transformed.

These meetings focus on sustainability and aim to create greater awareness among teachers, parents and pupils about the foods we find on our table at school, at home and in the company. The writer Mauro Balboni, author of the book “The Eaten Planet“, was the speaker of the first evening. His speech focused on a brief presentation on the topics addressed in his book, showing the strong impact that certain industries (for example the meat industry) and, consequently the food we consume every day, have on the health of our planet. poi

During the course of the evening there are many parents and teachers who were amazed by the information provided to them and by the knowledge that we, as consumers, consume food every day that is far from healthy. poi

PIÚINFORMA Association is increasingly committed to making the necessary contribution in order to share our values more and more and help the environment. The second appointment is scheduled for Friday 22 March at 8 pm, always at the aula magna of the Bellavitis middle school in Bassano del Grappa (VI). poi

Don’t miss it! poi

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