Knowing the bottom product by product and its characteristics.
The companies that produce and market have useful and exhaustive tools available to their customers to describe the references and their distinctive peculiarities.
The customer remains the task of knowing how to read these tools giving the right weight to every word, to recognize the quality product and know how to give it the right value. Foods chosen for brand or content?
Labels and data sheets are the identity cards of the product: they contain names and codes that can reveal the secrets hidden in each recipe. Stamps, brands, acronyms of certifying bodies and claims have meanings that do not go unnoticed in the most experienced eyes. How to trust all these writings? 10+HEALTHY® and 10+FAIR® are a solution.
In order to ensure a high level of consumer protection and to facilitate their choices, all nutrition and health claims on labels and advertisements must comply with EC Regulation 1924/2006 and subsequent updates.
Nutrition claims are all messages, including figurative representations, that state or suggest that a food has particular nutritional characteristics ( e.g. sugar-free, reduced salt content, source of protein…)
Health claims are all those that affirm or suggest the existence of a relationship between a food, or its component, and health, that is, that the consumption of this food or component can significantly reduce the risk of developing a disease.
All these indications, by law, cannot be false, ambiguous or misleading, cannot give rise to doubts about the adequacy of other foods, cannot encourage excessive consumption of a food, cannot imply that a balanced and varied diet is not sufficient to take adequate amounts of all nutrients.
You can then read with attention and trust the information proposed by data sheets and folders, trying to read between the lines all the useful indications to get to know the product and its nutritional and health characteristics in depth.
It is therefore important to ask your supplier for the specifications of each product, insisting on demanding explanations of the labels and guarantees provided.
Training for its customers is also part of corporate social responsibility, of which many manufacturers today are bearers.
Companies willing to invest in customer training offer with their products an added value that is difficult to quantify, but certainly appreciable.
Foods chosen for brand or content?