Dried fruit vs fresh fruit
Is dried fruit as healthy as fresh fruit? The comparison is booming! These foods can be considered, in fact, as a veritable mine of mineral salts, vitamins and fatty acids. Dried fruit vs fresh fruit
Il nostro magazine, dedicato alla sostenibilità alimentare, offre informazioni utili per aiutare le persone a compiere scelte consapevoli, ridurre il proprio impatto sociale e ambientale e contribuire attivamente al cambiamento. Un’azione necessaria per responsabilizzare l’industria alimentare sul ruolo primario ed incidenza che i loro prodotti hanno sulla salute dei propri clienti.
Is dried fruit as healthy as fresh fruit? The comparison is booming! These foods can be considered, in fact, as a veritable mine of mineral salts, vitamins and fatty acids. Dried fruit vs fresh fruit