These foods can be considered, in fact, as a veritable mine of mineral salts, vitamins and fatty acids. Dried fruit vs fresh fruit poi
We normally call dried fruits that category of foods that includes oilseeds (nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachio, peanuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, flax, sesame, hemp, pumpkin, syllax, ricin, rapeseed, perilla, copra) and dehydrated fruit the private one for dehydration of most of the water that composes it fresh (dates, raisins, fig, apricot, plum, pineapple, banana, apple, blueberry etc). poi
We are faced with foods that we can therefore call ‘concentrated’. On the one hand, in fact, the seeds are very rich in fats, vitamins and mineral salts (just think how much energy they must possess to grow a new plant), on the other the dehydrated fruit maintains the positive characteristics of fresh fruit but concentrates them in a small volume. poi
Taking a balanced mix of nuts and dehydrated could avoid consuming vitamin supplements and mineral salts, since it would already provide us with all the elements we need for the proper functioning of our metabolism and, above all, they are natural and easily absorbable elements, rather than coming from chemical synthesis and often resulting not effective since they are not recognized by the body and therefore eliminated immediately with urine (hence the characteristic orange color). poi
The war continues…
Among the fat-soluble vitamins present in the seeds, very important is vitamin E or “tocopherol” essential for proper cellular functioning. Almonds and hazelnuts are particularly rich, but they must be consumed in moderate quantities because they have a high caloric rate: one hectohm of nuts, for example, brings about 660 Kcal. Dehydrated fruit is less caloric: raisins, for example, bring about 300 Kcal per ECT. It would therefore be preferable to consume dried fruit away from the main meals or, as can be seen, to replace a slice of sweet or chocolate bar, which, although it has a very similar caloric content, certainly does not contain the same amount of “good” fatty acids, vitamins and mineral salts. poi
Be careful, however, what you find on the shelf because dried fruit can have additives such as sorb acid, which preventing the development of yeasts and mold, could induce allergic contact reactions. In dried fruits, on the other hand, Sulphur dioxide (or sulphites) can be found, which by inhibiting the development of microbes and preventing browning for oxidation, could trigger allergic reactions in sensitive people. poi
There’s no need to say that if you are at risk of developing reactions to these substances, read the label well before purchase. poi
Luisa Gragnoli