Sustainability at Asolo central coffee.

Sustainability at Asolo central coffee

On Friday, April 12th from 12:00 and 14:00, at the Caffè Centrale in Asolo (TV), thanks to the availability of the Botter brothers, we organized a tasting focused on food sustainability and its impact on health. Sustainability at Asolo central coffee poi

For the success of this event we thank, first of all, the Central Café of Asolo for hosting us and for giving us the opportunity to realize everything. We also thank our partners: Germinal Group which, with the occasion, we had the opportunity to let the products of the new fresh line fresh organic vegan, and Ecozema whose compostable accessories were used to serve the products. poi

An example of sustainability poi

We have recreated an example of our sustainable formats within coffee. The tasting was a great success, especially because we were able to intrigue even those who did not know the existence of these organic products or who were hesitant to taste vegan or vegetarian dishes naturally organic and substitute for classic consumption. On the other hand, some of those present were already aware of these vegetable dishes and were excited to be able to taste them even “away from home” during the lunch break, so much so that soon the Central Coffee itself will propose them on their menus. poi

It was an important opportunity for us to inform people that these products can be found at the GDO, in vending machines and collective catering menus and that, the use of compostable dishes must be part of our daily habits as an alternative to the use of plastic or other materials that need huge resources to be properly managed. poi

It can be said that the arrow was shot and reached its center. Thanks to this tasting we were able to intrigue those present not only about the dishes that were served, but also about the need to acquire greater awareness about food and environmental sustainability. The importance of demonstrating that living and feeding in a sustainable way is possible and, above all, that the solution is there! We are the change  we want, and we can be privileged actors. To inquire about food and all the ingredients that every day we “throw in” our body is, of course, first and for all to love oneself. Conscious choices lead to concrete results. poi


The Central Café has chosen, now you make the right choice too! poi

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